Types comparison - Rust -> Zig

I did a thing. Thing is entirely wrong? Thing is entirely ok? It ain't academic that's for sure.

Nominal typing (mostly*)Nominal typing (mostly*)
(Compares the identities (via names))
struct A{}; struct B{}; A != B
Are these apples the exact same apples?
Primitive types
u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128
f32, f64
usize, isize
char, str
! // never
u<bit width>, i<bit width>
f16, f32, f64, f80, f128
usize, isize
u8, []u8
Sequence types
(Type, ...)
struct {}
struct {Type, ...}
[Type; length] // stack
[Type] // heap
Vec<T> // heap resizable
&[Type] // slice
[]Type = allocator.alloc(Type, length)
User-defined types
struct Name // unit
struct Name(Type, ...) // tuple struct
struct Name { prop1: Type, ... } // struct
const Name = struct {}
const Name = struct {Type, ...}
const Name = struct { prop1: Type, ...}
enum Name { Value1, ... }
enum Name { Value1(Type, ...), ... }
enum Name { Value1 { prop1: Type, ... }, ... }

// match <enum> {...} is exhaustive
const Name = enum { Value1, ... }
const Name = union(enum) { Value1: Type, ... }
const Name = union(enum) { Value1: Type, ... }

// switch (enum/union) {...} is exhaustive
union Name { prop1: Type, ... }

// accesses are always unsafe { ... }!
const Name = union { prop1: Type, ... }

// compile-time union access checking!
Function types
fn(Type, ...) -> Type
*const fn (Type, ...) Type
Pointer types
&Type // immutable ref / "shared ref"
&mut Type // mutable ref / "unique ref"
*const Type // immutable raw pointer
*mut Type // mutable raw pointer
*const Type
[*]const Type
Trait types
impl Trait
// no comparison
Type system power
Turing complete (type language gymnastics)
Turing complete (comptime)

* both of these languages primarily use nominal type systems, but there are similar certain scenarios where structural typing can be used.