% LOGICAL STUDY OF MANDATORY VACCINE % This is a logical exercise. % % It's a real Prolog program you can run: % prolog "case-for-mandatory-vaccine.txt" % % Use logical deduction to determine if vaccination helps with hospitalizations. % outcome(less,hospitalizations,Because) :- Because = virus(amount,decrease,_). outcome(more,hospitalizations,Because) :- Because = virus(amount,increase,_). virus(amount,decrease,Because) :- Because = are(immune,_). virus(amount,increase,Because) :- Because = are(vulnerable,_). are(immune,Because) :- Because = reason(more,antibodies,_). are(vulnerable,Because) :- Because = reason(less,antibodies,_). reason(caught_covid). reason(vaccinated). reason(more,antibodies,Because) :- Because = reason(caught_covid); Because = reason(vaccinated). reason(less,antibodies,Because) :- Because = not(reason(caught_covid)); Because = not(reason(vaccinated)). % % What follows is a short game theory graph determining vaccine or no vaccine % mandate when people's freedoms are at stake. We maximize for "the good of the % individual" and for "the good of the country" depending on the perspective. % game(die_free_or_live_a_slave) :- Angry is -1, Neutral is 0, Happy is 1, IndividualLiveGovernmentEnslave is Neutral, IndividualLiveGovernmentFreedom is Happy, GovernmentEnslaveIndividualLive is Neutral, GovernmentFreedomIndividualLive is Neutral, IndividualDieGovernmentEnslave is Angry, IndividualDieGovernmentFreedom is Happy, GovernmentEnslaveIndividualDie is Neutral, GovernmentFreedomIndividualDie is Neutral, % 1 in 10 people end up dying with COVID-19. ChanceOfDie is (1/10), ChanceOfLive is (1-ChanceOfDie), ChanceOfEnslave is (1/2), ChanceOfFreedom is (1/2), RowEnslave = [ GovernmentEnslaveIndividualLive, IndividualLiveGovernmentEnslave, GovernmentEnslaveIndividualDie, IndividualDieGovernmentEnslave, ChanceOfEnslave ], RowFreedom = [ GovernmentFreedomIndividualLive, IndividualLiveGovernmentFreedom, GovernmentFreedomIndividualDie, IndividualDieGovernmentFreedom, ChanceOfFreedom ], format(" \n", []), format(" The Individual \n", []), format(" \n", []), format(" G live die \n", []), format(" o (vaccinate) (antivax) \n", []), format(" v \n", []), format(" e enslave ~d,~d ~d,~d ~2f \n", RowEnslave), format(" r \n", []), format(" n freedom ~d,~d ~d,~d ~2f \n", RowFreedom), format(" m \n", []), format(" e ~2f ~2f \n", [ChanceOfLive, ChanceOfDie]), format(" n \n", []), format(" t \n", []), format(" \n", []). % % Is a person who is anti-vaccine maximizing for survival? % game(fear_of_medicine) :- 264 people per day 1750000 people in montreal % The people as a collective should tend toward being free (see: problems when % tending toward anarchy), and people who will vaccinate will prefer a free % country (naturally). % % On the other hand, if the people stay with freedom, the unvaccinated people will % harm them (literally kill them because of infections). From the perspective of % the unvaccinated they will want the same freedoms as the vaccinated people. % % If the people have already enlaved their fellow citizens before any vaccination, % there is negative incentive for people to vaccinate, thus killing both the % people as a whole and the individual. If people are already vaccinated then % enslavement hurts only the individual. % % Basically graph theory is saying let the individuals who want to vaccinate get % vaccinated. % % Let the anti-vaccination individuals not get it and die due to natural causes. % % QED.